Hi there! My name is Stacy Ann Pugh - I'm a gardening artist or an artist who gardens.... not sure.  Both are my passions (and cats, lol).  I don't know when I am at my happiest.... "playing" in the dirt, sweating in the hot sun or quietly in my studio with a paintbrush in hand playing in paint!

I'm proud to finally have stopped procrastinating and set up this store to offer posters, prints and other goodies with my art printed on them.  I'll continue to plant more flowers so that I can hopefully recreate their beauty for you on paper.   I'll add new work as soon as I finish them (try to stop with the constant procrastinating!)......

....and,  I love saving seeds from my garden to share with others.  Plants have their own stories and sharing them also can carry on their history!  There is one particular flower I have that has a cool beginning and are very special to me.... I'll have that posted in the seeds area! 

Feel free to get in touch with me with any comments or suggestions! I'd love to hear from ya'll!


Stacy Ann Pugh